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The British Educational Research Association (BERA) is the leading authority on educational research in the UK, supporting and representing the community of scholars, practitioners and everyone engaged in and with educational research both nationally and internationally.

Terms and Conditions


When registering for an account on the BERA website you tick a box opting in to receiving communication from BERA and consenting for us to store your data.

At BERA we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to administer your account and to provide the products and services you have requested from us. We use the information we hold on you to process your order, manage your account and personalise your use of the BERA website, conducting data analytics, as well as posting or emailing relevant offers to you should you opt in. We will never share your personal data for marketing communications outside our organisation. Unless information must be retained for legal or archival purposes, personal information will be securely destroyed and erased from BERA systems for a period of ten years, or, where applicable, following a request from you to destroy or erase your personal information. Further details on the cookies used can be found in theCookie Policy.

We will use appropriate physical, technical and administrative safeguards to protect your data. Access to your personal data will be restricted to only those who need to know that information and required to perform their job function. In addition, we train our employees about the importance of maintaining the confidentiality and security of your information.


  • Our Publishers: Wiley, SAGE, Routledge and Taylor and Francis (for the issuing of academic journals)
  • Our website provider: Soapbox
  • Our CRM provider: Smart Impact
  • Our abstract system supplier: Shocklogic
  • Our abstract system supplier: Oxford Abstracts
  • Mailing provider: TotalMail Ltd
  • 我们的投票提供商:英国参与
  • IT provider: ITD UK Ltd
  • Virtual events provider: Slido and Zoom
  • For events your name and institution may also be shared with the organisers of the event, speakers, partner organisations, the sponsors and the venue
  • If you apply for an opportunity of any kind with BERA, any relevant information relating to your application may be shared with the trustees of the association, relevant governance committee and any nominated judging panel
  • Where BERA is required to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities or government agencies

The BERA website and associated documents may include links to third-party websites. In using such links, please be aware that each third-party website is subject to its own privacy and data protection policies and is not covered by our Privacy Policy.

This policy is reviewed periodically and BERA reserves the right to update this policy at any time without notice, any changes will become effective on the date of posting.

For any queries or privacy requests, please

BERA Conference


  • An email confirmation will be issued to all registrants on completion of this registration form. If you do not receive this email within 3 days of registering, please
  • Joining instructions are sent at least 2 weeks before the Conference to delegates that have paid their registrations fees. If you have not received these at least a week before the Conference, please contact the Office


  • Notification of cancellation must be received by email the 28 June 2022. Cancellations cannot be received by phone. Please ensure you receive acknowledgement of this from the organisers if you cancel.
  • 取消将导致行政费用of 30% of the registration fee.
  • After 28 June 2022 there will be no refunds.
  • There are no refunds for the social event.
  • If you are a member, but pay the non-member rate, this will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation to get a refund for the difference.
  • If you select the wrong registration rate, or have a duplicate registration any changes will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation to get a refund for the difference.
  • Any duplicate payments will incur the same charge as a cancellation for the refund.
  • Refunds will not be given for no-shows at the conference.
  • In the event of BERA cancelling the conference, BERA are only liable to pay any delegate fees already paid, and not personal arrangements. Delegates are advised to take out their own personal insurance to cover this.


  • Payment must be received prior to the conference. Access will not be permitted to the conference if full payment has not been received.
  • If paying by invoice, a purchase order number must be submitted.
  • 如果在发票日期之前未收到付款,则您的注册将被取消,您需要以当前注册率再次注册。
  • The invoicing option will close at least 3 months before the conference.
  • Payments can not be transferred to membership or other events.

Data Protection

  • Data Protection Act 1998: I agree to BERA, processing personal data contained within the registration process, or other data which may be obtained from me or other people or organisations whilst I am applying for this event. I agree to the processing of such data for any purpose connected with my attendance at BERA, or my health and safety whilst on event premises or for any other legitimate purpose. By registering I agree to the terms and conditions above and confirm that payment for this event will be made in full before I attend.

Abstract submission

  • The Conference & Events Committee may have access to your abstract including author names and organisations once abstracts have been reviewed.
  • If your abstract is successful SIG convenors may receive your abstract including author names and organisations to group abstracts.
  • SIG Convenors may contact all submitters whether accepted or rejected through the BERA office only.
  • If your abstract is successful authors names and organisations may be passed onto the committees that judge the awards.


  • BERA acknowledges the ongoing Covid-19 situation in the UK, and abroad, and will comply with any official guidance from the UK Government when running our events. For the safety of our staff and delegates, Covid-19 may require us to take one or more of the following measures, but not limited to: (i) impose maximum delegate numbers at the event; (ii) limit food or drink availability; (iii) impose specific requirements regarding personal protective equipment such as the wearing of masks; (iv) designate alternative entrance and exit routes.

  • 如果,由于特定的政府的限制,我们基于“增大化现实”技术e unable to hold the event, or are required to limit the number of attendees, delegates will be refunded in full within 28 days of cancellation. Where BERA must limit delegate numbers and current registrations exceed this figure, delegates will be drawn at random, and their registration refunded in full, and they will be unable to attend. Should Government restrictions necessitate the cancellation of an event, BERA reserves the right to seek an alternative date and all registrations will be carried over to the alternative date. Should the event be move from a physical to a virtual event, any difference in delegate fee will be refunded and the registrations will remain in place.

  • 消除s made by the delegate will be subject to the cancellation terms and conditions.

  • You must not attend any physical event if you have Covid-19 symptoms. If you are unable to travel to the event, please cases will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

  • By registering for a BERA event, you recognise that participation is voluntary and assume all risks and dangers associated with Covid-19, with BERA holding no liability. For any additional queries or information,


  • c代表可能使一个名称hange for no additional charge if the fees are the same. However if a booking has been made incorrectly, this will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation.
  • All delegates attending the session must pay the registration fee. This includes any panels or discussants that may only be attending for the one session, unless specifically invited by the BERA office.
  • Any delegates sharing personal access links to unregistered colleagues may be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to having their own conference registration cancelled with no refunds.
  • You must be a BERA member at the time of the event to qualify for the discounted rate.
  • Please note filming of sessions will take place during BERA events. Your images will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Images of yourself captured in the video recordings will be the copyright of BERA. They may be used in BERA advertising and/or publications. The images may appear on social media. You can request BERA to stop using your images at any time, in which case they will not be used in future materials but may continue to appear in materials already in circulation
  • Your name, institute and country will be displayed on the platform. Any other information to display will ask for permission first.
  • BERA accepts no legal responsibility for facts stated or opinions expressed during the event. It is the responsibility of individuals to satisfy themselves as to which facts and opinions should be relied on in any way whatsoever.
  • The registration fees do not include the insurance of delegates against personal accidents, sickness, and cancellations by any party, theft, loss or damage to personal possessions. Delegates are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover cancellation and personal effects.

For any other queries please Or check our frequently asked questions at://

BERA Events


  • Your receipt is confirmation of your booking on the event.
  • Joining instructions will be sent at least 3 days before the event. If you have not received the joining instructions at least 24 hours before the event, please contact the BERA office


  • 消除s must be made in writing Cancellations can not be made via the phone.
  • Refunds will only be offered for registrations made in writing for 1 week after you have made the booking. Refunds will incur a £5 admin charge. After this time no refunds will be made.
  • If you select the wrong registration rate, or have a duplicate registration any changes will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation to get a refund for the difference.
  • If you are a member, but pay the non-member rate, this will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation to get a refund for the difference.
  • In the event of BERA cancelling the event, BERA are only liable to pay any delegate fees already paid, and not personal arrangements. Delegates are advised to take out their own personal insurance to cover this.


  • 必须在活动当天之前收到付款。如果请求发票并未收到付款,则将在当天请求信用卡详细信息作为保证。如果在这段时间内未收到付款,这将在2周内收取费用。
  • Payments can not be transferred to membership or other events.


  • BERA acknowledges the ongoing Covid-19 situation in the UK, and abroad, and will comply with any official guidance from the UK Government when running our events. For the safety of our staff and delegates, Covid-19 may require us to take one or more of the following measures, but not limited to: (i) impose maximum delegate numbers at the event; (ii) limit food or drink availability; (iii) impose specific requirements regarding personal protective equipment such as the wearing of masks; (iv) designate alternative entrance and exit routes.

  • 如果,由于特定的政府的限制,我们基于“增大化现实”技术e unable to hold the event, or are required to limit the number of attendees, delegates will be refunded in full within 28 days of cancellation. Where BERA must limit delegate numbers and current registrations exceed this figure, delegates will be drawn at random, and their registration refunded in full, and they will be unable to attend. Should Government restrictions necessitate the cancellation of an event, BERA reserves the right to seek an alternative date and all registrations will be carried over to the alternative date. Should the event be move from a physical to a virtual event, any difference in delegate fee will be refunded and the registrations will remain in place.

  • 消除s made by the delegate will be subject to the cancellation terms and conditions.

  • You must not attend any physical event if you have Covid-19 symptoms. If you are unable to travel to the event, please cases will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

  • By registering for a BERA event, you recognise that participation is voluntary and assume all risks and dangers associated with Covid-19, with BERA holding no liability. For any additional queries or information,


  • c代表可能使一个名称hange for no additional charge if the fees are the same. However if a booking has been made incorrectly, this will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation.
  • If you are a member, but pay the non-member rate, this will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation to get a refund for the difference.
  • You must be a BERA member at the time of the event to qualify for the discounted rate.
  • Any event that is not on the BERA website, but is using the main BERA logo or the SIG logo has not been approved by the BERA office.
  • For the ECR Symposium Series 2022, a full refund of the registration fee will be paid within 2 weeks of the event if you present your work. If you do not present your work at the event your registration fee will not be refunded.
  • For the ECR Symposium Series 2022 if you want to transfer to a new date this will incur the same terms and conditions as a cancellation to transfer.
  • BERA accepts no legal responsibility for facts stated or opinions expressed during the event. It is the responsibility of individuals to satisfy themselves as to which facts and opinions should be relied on in any way whatsoever.
  • The registration fees do not include the insurance of delegates against personal accidents, sickness, and cancellations by any party, theft, loss or damage to personal possessions. Delegates are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover cancellation and personal effects.

For any other queries please Or check our frequently asked questions at://

Recording consent

Virtual events

All virtual events are recorded and by agreeing to participate in a virtual event you agree to the following.

The purpose of this information is to confirm consent for the films and/or recordings to be taken and subsequently to be used by BERA. BERA in turn offers a commitment to only allow said recordings to be used appropriately and sensitively.



我知道任何版权或其他智力ual property which arises in the recording belongs to BERA and that the recording may be used by BERA for the purposes of education. This may include conversion to digital format and storing and publication on BERA’s on-line media delivery systems such as YouTube.

I, do hereby agree to grant a free, unconditional, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive worldwide licence for all performance rights in the film and/or recordings of lectures to BERA. I understand that should the film and/or recording be made available publicly by BERA it will be issued under a licence that allows only educational use and that my rights will be appropriately attributed.

I, consent to the use of my personal data being processed for the purposes of this recording and subsequent publishing. My personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. I understand that my image and/or recordings will be used for educational purposes only and that copyright in the recordings will be retained by BERA.

Recordings will be on the BERA website, to be stored on the project server and on YouTube (for the purposes of academic study).



Payments and Confirmation

  • The BERA membership year runs from January 1-December 31. Payments for members joining or renewing mid year are assigned to the year in which payment takes place, unless occurring within the renewal period. Direct debit memberships will automatically renew for the next year. We will notify you at least 10 days in advance of us taking your payment.
  • Membership is activated once full payment has been received
  • 您将收到电子确认付款。以其他格式的收据,包括纸质副本,应要求发行
  • You will received a welcome email, with details of how to login to the website and further information at least 7 working days after joining. During busy times, please allow up to 28 (twenty eight) days for your membership application to be processed.
  • If paying by direct debit your first direct debit payment will be taken in the month after you join BERA through the website. Annual direct debit payments are taken at the beginning of January. If you are joining BERA by online application, you can only pay by credit or debit card. Sageonline handles our online credit and debit card transactions in a secure environment. We accept Visa, Mastercard and Maestro.
  • Payments for paper applications can be made in the following ways: Credit or debit card; Direct debit; Cheques by post made payable to “BERA” (ensuring you quote full name on the reverse of cheque); We do not accept payment by cash or payments in any currency other than UK pounds sterling. Communication by the BERA Office will take place by email. It is your responsibility to ensure your email address and mailing address are up-to-date.


  • Once you have paid for your membership, we offer no refunds. Any cancellations for membership will be effective from the next membership year cycle. Cancellations must be made in writing
  • Direct Debit memberships: If you wish to cancel your membership in advance of the next direct debit being taken, please cancel the direct debit with your bank and then contact All requests received to cancel by 31 December will be honoured. Any requests received after payment has been taken on January 1 cannot be refunded.


  • If you have paid at the full member rate but have recently retired or become a student you must inform the office in advance of the annual direct debit being taken. No adjustments will be given for circumstances changing and the BERA office not being informed in advance
  • Journals and Research Intelligence are posted out to the current member list. If you join after an issue has been posted out you will not receive a hard copy retrospectively. However, all issues are available to members online.
  • If joining a SIG, your name and institution may be passed to the SIG convenor. However all other contact information is confidentially held with the BERA office. BERA members agree to adhere to the BERA Member Code of Conduct for the duration of an individual’s subscription.
  • A member who is found to be in breach of the code of conduct may have their membership revoked. If a member of BERA should know of, or become aware of, any breach of BERA Member Code of Conduct by another member they are under an obligation to notify BERA.
  • Please note filming and photography will take place during BERA events. Your images will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Images of yourself captured in the video recordings and/or photographs will be the copyright of BERA. They may be used in BERA advertising and publications. You can request BERA to stop using your images at any time, in which case they will not be used in future materials but may continue to appear in materials already in circulation

For any other queries please

Forum Guidelines

The BERA Forum is open to all BERA Members. The aim is to stimulate discussions, ideas and debates and thus differences of opinion will be aired.

Posts are limited to a maximum of 500 words. Pictures and documents cannot be uploaded, however you can insert web links to this content.

By posting on the BERA Forum you agree to the following

  • Your full name and institution will appear on your posts and replies
  • Please do not use:
    • jargon, dense language and excessive references
    • exclusive and derogatory language
    • obscene or rude content, or content that belittles or attacks persons or groups
    • 亵渎,淫秽,粗鲁或非法材料或对故意侵犯知识产权的网站
  • Provide links to sources where possible
  • The Forum is not intended to be a marketplace for any goods or services. However, you may find commercial links, job advertisement links, coupons, and other promotional offers on the forum.
  • BERA accepts no legal responsibility for facts stated or opinions expressed on the Forum and do not endorse any material. It is the responsibility of individuals to satisfy themselves as to which facts and opinions should be relied on in any way whatsoever.
  • By submitting content to the Forum you grant BERA royalty-free, unrestricted, permission to reproduce, or publicly display your user content in any medium and for any purpose, including commercial purposes.
  • A Member who is found to be in breach of the code of conduct may have their access revoked. If a member of BERA should know of, or become aware of, any breach of BERA Member Code of Conduct by another member they are under an obligation to notify BERA. More information on our code of conduct is online at://